Paul Di'Anno - In Memory Of yellow vinyl (16.05.2025)
Paul Di'Anno - In Memory Of yellow vinyl (16.05.2025)
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Für viele Fans auf der ganzen Welt gilt Paul Di’Anno bis zum heutigen Tag als der einzig wahre Maiden Frontmann. Während seiner langen Solokarriere veröffentlichte er auch zwei Album auf Metalville Records. “In Memory Of” enthält, neben den Highlights aus diesen beiden Alben, zwei bisher nie in physischer Form veröfffentlichte Songs. Dazu bietet das Booklet unveröffentlichtes Fotomaterial sowie exklusiv für dieses Album verfasste Liner Notes durch den bekannten Rock Hard Autor und Maiden-Biografen Matthias Mader.
For many fans around the world, Paul Di’Anno is still considered the only true Maiden frontman to this day. During his long solo career, he also released two albums on Metalville Records. ‘In Memory Of’ contains highlights from these two albums as well as two songs never before released in physical form. The booklet also offers unpublished photo material as well as liner notes written exclusively for this album by the well-known Rock Hard author and Maiden biographer Matthias Mader.
DESCRIPTION of the release (use up to 60 words – to be used for Retail, Mailorder, B2B websites, a.o.)
Am 17. Mai hätte der Frontmann der wegweisenden ersten beiden IRON MAIDEN Alben seine 67. Geburtstag feiern sollen. Doch leider erhielten wir alle im Oktober letzten Jahres die bittere Nachricht, dass der charismatische Sänger völlig überraschend verstorben ist. Zu seinem Gedenken erscheint nun "In Memory Of". Das Album ist eine Zusammenstellung der besten Songs, die Paul während seiner Zeit bei Metalville Records aufgenommen hat. Dazu enthält "In Memory Of" zwei Bonus Tracks, welche es bisher noch nie in physischer Form gab. "Je Suis Charly" ist ein Track aus Pauls "Architects Of Chaoz" Phase, der damals lediglich digital veröffentlicht wurde. Bei "Killers" handelt es sich um eine Liveversion vom Wacken Open Air 2015. Einen besonderen Mehrwert für die Fans sind zudem die im Booklet enthaltenen bisher unveröffentlichten Fotos sowie exklusiv für das Album verfasste Liner Notes des international anerkannten IRON MAIDEN Biografen Matthias Mader. Paul Di'Anno war immer auch ein Mensch, der, trotz seiner eigenen gesundheitlichen Probleme, auch immer um das Wohlergehen anderer besorgt war und entsprechend Anteil nahm. Um dies zu würdigen, geht aus dem Verkauf von jeder CD und LP von "In Memory Of" ein Teil der Erlöse an die gemeinnützige Organisation Metality e.V.
On 17 May, the frontman of the groundbreaking first two IRON MAIDEN albums should have celebrated his 67th birthday. But sadly, we all received the bitter news last October that the charismatic singer had passed away unexpectedly. ‘In Memory Of’ has now been released in his memory. The album is a compilation of the best songs that Paul recorded during his time at Metalville Records. In addition, ‘In Memory Of’ contains two bonus tracks that have never been released in physical form before. ‘Je Suis Charly’ is a track from Paul's “Architects Of Chaoz” phase, which was only released digitally at the time. ‘Killers’ is a live version from Wacken Open Air 2015. The booklet also contains previously unpublished photos and liner notes written exclusively for the album by internationally recognised IRON MAIDEN biographer Matthias Mader. Paul Di'Anno was always a person who, despite his own health problems, was always concerned about the well-being of others and took a corresponding interest. To honour this, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every CD and LP of ‘In Memory Of’ will go to the charitable organisation Metality e.V.
(Please include CD and LP track listings)
CD Digi :
Paul Di‘Anno - Impaler
Architects Of Chaoz - Je Suis Charlie
Architects Of Chaoz - Switched Off (Released)
Paul Di‘Anno - The Beast Arises
Paul Di‘Anno - Marshall Lokjaw
Architects Of Chaoz - Rejected
Architects Of Chaoz - You've Been Kissed by the Wings of the Angel of Death
Paul Di‘Anno - Running Free
Architects Of Chaoz - Apache Falls
Paul Di‘Anno - Blitzkrieg Bob
Architects Of Chaoz - Killers
Architects Of Chaoz - Soldier Of Fortune
Side A
Paul Di‘Anno - Impaler
Architects Of Chaoz - Je Suis Charlie
Architects Of Chaoz - Switched Off (Released)
Paul Di‘Anno - The Beast Arises
Architects Of Chaoz - Rejected
Side B
Architects Of Chaoz - You've Been Kissed by the Wings of the Angel of Death
Architects Of Chaoz - Apache Falls
Paul Di‘Anno - Blitzkrieg Bob
Architects Of Chaoz - Killers
Architects Of Chaoz - Soldier Of Fortune